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Technologies of naphtha and diesel hydrofining

Plant capacity: 20~250×104t/a

Technical characteristics:

The process is advanced, reliable, economical, reasonable, lower consumption shorter construction period. The scheme of mixing hydrogen in advance can improve heat exchanger efficiency and mitigate coking degree. The internal components of reactor are optimized to reduce the temperature difference in bed layer radial. Plant is highly automated, easily operated.

Application scope: 

Coke gasoline and diesel, straight run diesel can be produced national standard China V gasoline and diesel product by hydrofining.

Typical achievements:

100×104t/a gasoline and diesel hydrofining plant

100×104t/a gasoline and diesel hydrofining plant

100×104t/a gasoline and diesel hydrofining plant

60×104t/a gasoline and diesel hydrofining plant

60×104t/a gasoline and diesel hydrofining plant

60×104t/a gasoline and diesel hydrofining plant

100×104t/a gasoline and diesel hydrofining plant

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